Historical Content: Throughout history, changes in technology, artistic technique, and science have had a great influence on society. The development of the printing press and studying the human body and the development of linear perspective in art are 3 MAJOR CHANGES that had a impact on the development of Europe during the Renaissance.
TASK: • Identify two of the major changes that occurred in the Renaissance • Explain if life became easier or more difficult with the new change.
The Book Before Gutenberg
The earliest books were written on scrolls. From the Second Century A.D. to the present time, however; most books have been produced in the familiar format – in other words, bound (attached) at one edge. During the Middle Ages, manuscript books were produced by monks who worked with pen and ink in a copying room known as a scriptorium. Even a small book could take months to complete, and a book the size of the Bible could take several years…
Source: www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/gutenberg/2a.html
1. How were books made before the development of the Gutenberg press?
…Gutenberg’s methods spread with stunning rapidity. By 1500 an estimated half million printed books were in circulation: religious works, Greek and Roman classics, scientific texts. Columbus’s report from the New World. The Gutenberg press was one reason for the quick advancements in art and science during the Renaissance….
Source: Robert Friedman, ed. The Life Millennium: The 100 Most Important Events and People of the Past 1,000 Years, Time, 1998
2. Based on this document: state one effects of Gutenberg’s invention:
. . . In the Middle Ages to praise man was to praise (think