The dictionary defines brotherhood in two ways. The first is, the condition or quality of being a brother or brothers. The second is, all those engaged in a particular trade or profession or sharing a common interest or quality. These two definitions of brotherhood show the basic criteria of a brotherhood. The one thing the definition does not put into perspective is the deep brotherhood of the Rockhurst High School Swim & Dive team. The Rockhurst High School Swim & Dive team is a brotherhood. The brotherhood of the Rockhurst High School Swim & Dive team shows that they are not an individual based team, they do everything together, and they are a goal driven team.…
Should Conroe High School remove their rule on not letting kids leave school to get food? Yes, Some students do not eat lunch at all and also because some of the food is disgusting, and being able to leave the school during lunch would be better for the students, we would be able to hang out for a little outside of school instead of being in class for 8 hours.…
We are having a Spring break Camp at the Lincoln park Community Center starting April 10th-13th from 9-3pm. I was wondering if you can come out and show our camp kids what the K-9 unit is about.…
One of the biggest fears of college students is gaining an excessive amount of weight. As most UMass students know, the school’s dining commons are currently ranked second in the United States by the Princeton Review. When I began attending school, the term “Freshman 15” was a common term that was often spoken about amongst my friends. The term “Freshman 15” refers to the amount of weight which is expected to be gained in the first year of college because of the easy access of food. I always looked at the “Freshman 15” as a myth before college. I wanted to learn more about UMass Amherst’s food. I wondered if it could be possible that UMass could be ranked as having one of the best dinning commons in the country and also have healthy…
Last fall our school board decided to make it mandatory for students to attend school year-round. There were many issues to look at before making this decision. I feel that year round school can both benefit and hurt children. There are many issues that people are for and against for year round schooling. What will happen to kids who have summer jobs or even part time jobs? Employers look for kids who are willing to work during the summer months when there are more activities going on in our community. During the school year students can only work part time and during the summer they are able to work more hours. When school is out during the winter months, things are slower, so business is slow. When this happens, it decreases will decrease…
The freshman 15 is a real thing and for adolescents heading off to college, they should make sure to be cautious of their eating habits. With 142 million Americans being obese, it has become more of a problem with people of all ages, but college freshman have a history of gaining weight when they arrive at school. People speculate that the behavioral, environmental, and occupational changes cause this, along with stress, exercise habits, and the fact that food is available at all times. No matter what the cause is, gaining weight in college is a real problem.…
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a novel that was published in 1960, the times where our nation had segregation and injustice amongst the colored and the whites. Racism presents itself in many ways in the town of Maycomb. Some are blatant and open, but others are more insidious. The plot focuses on a lawyer, Atticus Finch, and how he defends a colored man, Tom Robinson, who is wrongly accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. When they go to trial Tom is automatically a victim of injustice when they find him guilty of rape just because he is black (Normney 5). om Robinson’s trial, and in fact his entire life, was badly affected by racism. It is truly a testament to the corruption of society when a person who has earned a bad reputation is held in higher esteem than a person who was born with it, as is the case with Bob Ewell and Tom Robinson. Even though Tom was obviously honest in his testament, the jury sided with Bob Ewell because he was white. They made this decision despite the fact that the Ewell family was widely known to be a worthless part of society. Jem, not being racially prejudiced, could not understand this mentality. As Atticus pointed out, “If you (Jem) had been on the jury, son, and eleven other boys like you, Tom would be a free man.” (Lee 7).…
There is nothing particularly noteworthy about Robert Shawn Keever. He is loud, boisterous, sarcastic, and a man of total depravity. To date he has been in no clubs or sports. He has yet to hold a job, nor do I believe he has the capability to even hold such a responsibility. If it were a matter of GPA, he’d fall short there too as it is 2.3. As a student he has no ambition for higher education and would rather join the military. His relationship with his peers and family can be described as abusive and unruly. In the past he has skipped school and deliberately started fights. Also, he has no faith. This being a nation founded by Jesus would make him an enemy of America and its values. His only saving grace is a profound love for most social studies and a strong sense of loyalty to those who have managed to make friends with him. Thus far he has taken every social studies class Smyrna High School has to offer.…
Department of Communication and Mass Media University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming, USA Currently, limited research exists that explores the socially taboo topic of interracial dating between African Americans and European Americans. Historically, African Americans and European Americans have had a highly destructive relationship of enslavement and oppression, which has resulted in a history of mistrust, according to P. H. Collins (African American Feminist Thought : Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment, New York,Routledge, 1990). As a result, this relationship symbolizes the institutionalized oppression embedded in race relations despite the very intimate nature of this romantic relationship. Using the centrality of race within the context of romantic relationships, this study was designed to determine how race in uences the communicative process. Q-sort methodology was used, which required participants to determine what waiting, hinting, direct, and third-party intervention strategies they would use to initiate a date in both same-race and interracial contexts. Findings reveal that when comparing verbal strategies across both contexts and open-ended responses to likelihood or reality of dating interracially, participants were resistant to the idea of dating a person from another race. External factors such as family and society were cited as primary deterrents to involvement in an interracial romantic relationship. In general, participants in this study used more social distancing strategies for initiating interracial dating relationships than same-race dating relationships. KEYWO RDS interracial, romance, dating, race, date initiation, strategies, relationships, Q-sort methodology, interracial dating.…
Most students enjoy summer vacation, but some educators feel like the summer breaks are too long and students do not retain information as easily when they return in the fall. I believe that we should not have year round school because students and teachers have important responsibilities, personal time, and school and work obligations.…
The Alabama High School Graduation Exam should not be required for students. The AHSGE test was instituted in 2001 to test the preparedness and qualification of high school students to face further education and the outside society with a high school diploma. The AHSGE test is now mandatory before students can be awarded a high school diploma in Alabama. Research shows that standardized tests are racially bias; these tests do not determine a student’s level of knowledge and some school administration do not effectively enforce the necessary skills for the test. Students in the 10th grade are eligible to take the exam up to the 12th grade. Within this time, students have six opportunities to try to pass the exam. The exam is designed so that an 11th grader could pass it.…
American public education started with the Common School concept and by the middle of the nineteenth century many of the themes that defined public schools in America were in place. Various reasons for the Common School movement themes are still practice in public schools today such as, schools as managers of public thoughts, racial and ethnic conflicts, equal opportunity for all children, and moral reform. The two most significant themes, which have impacted public education and children are, globalization and cultural domination.…
As seasons change, and the school year progresses, many students lose that “first day of school excitement” (I know that I do!) (parenthesis) that they once felt. So how do we regain that joy that once filled us? The answer is simple, year round school. Having school year round will enable students to expand their knowledge, decrease the time during which kids are idle when they tend to get into the most trouble, and reduce the stress levels of both teachers and students.…
You have transversed into now becoming an 8th grader. I’d like to first begin with congratulating you on your success in passing the 7th grade, which is a big accomplishment. But, 8th grade is extremely different academically, and socially. Your mind practically changes over the first few months. In this essay, I will talk to you about how to act, what to expect, and tips-and-tricks on being an 8th grader at Central Junior High School.…
Are you going into middle school? Are you intimidated by the older kids and larger homework loads? Well don’t worry because I’ve already been through it and as long as you follow the tips in this guide you’ll be just fine. Middle school is difficult but it's also exciting. When you’re in middle school your worldviews change, everything you thought you knew about school is questioned. Everything and everyone seems different no matter how familiar they are. All these drastic changes can be overwhelming for new students but, the most important thing to remember is that is isn’t as scary as you think it is. If you form good study skills, learn how to be social, and follow my personal advice I promise that you will make it through middle school.…