Anu Chatterjee
English 2089
Midterm Essay: Option 2 In reading The Naked Citadel by author Susan Faludi and An Army of One: Me by author Jean Twenge, I do not believe that the students of the Citadel exemplify Generation Me for reasons that include individual behavior and expectations, exclusion of different groups, and cultural values. Both Faludi and Twenge give many examples of how each group of individuals is different from one another and somewhat alike when it comes to searching for their values in life. In the Citadel, the students are expected to act and do the same as each other in their everyday routine whereas with Generation Me they are solely focused on themselves and no one else around them. Individual behavior and expectations play a big role in the difference between the students of the Citadel and Generation Me. The behavior of the students in the Citadel is described by Flaudi as one or a group that will stick together, on page 75 a cadet said “I know it sounds trivial, but all of us in one shower, it’s like we’re all one, we’re all the same, and I don’t know you feel like your exposed, but you feel safe. You know these guys are going to be your friends for life. ” Here Faludi is describing how the men in the Citadel all feel as if they are the same in the way that they act and how they behave and for them being in a group is a sense of safeness. The behavior of Generation me is described by Twenge as self- absorbed and only caring about themselves and how they appeared to the world. On page 491, Twenge says “ GenMe’s expectations are so great and our reality so challenging that we will probably get less of what we want than any previous generation.” Here Twenge is describing how spoiled GenMe is perceived when in reality they don’t always get what they want and don’t apologize for their self- focus because they feel that they should be allowed to feel good about