Utilize one literary text from each of the follow lists in order to address the essay questions #1-#3. Utilize your choice of texts as needed to address essay question #4:
Choice 1: (a) Othello
Choice 2: (a) The Epic of Gilgamesh (b) Old Testament: Genesis (c) Medea
Choice 3: (a) The Canterbury Tales (b) Metamorphose
1. Consider the concept of “wild person” in context with Enkidu in the “Epic of Gilgamesh”. Now think about the concept of “foreigner” or “outsider” as they are relate to characters in Medea and Othello. For this essay question you will define the term “barbarian” in context with those readings, connect it to a theme or idea, and write about its significance/meaning in the works. Be sure to identify the works you are covering.
2. Discuss the use of supernatural powers and how these powers reinforce or challenge ideas, themes, etc, with respect to gender. Be sure to identify the works you are covering.
3. Compare and contrast the driving force of plot in the three works you have selected. Be sure to differentiate between the works in your response.
4. In Modules Two and Three you utilized your blogs to reflect on the discussions, readings, and other activities. Identify one concept from the literature that resonated with an aspect of your own life and why. This may be a concept you blogged about previously or one that occurs to you now as a