Below are the questions for your Midterm Examination. Please respond to them via Word or a similar program using the following formatting; double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman Font with standard margins. While the necessary length to answer these questions will vary, most exams fall within the 4-6 page range (about 2-3 pages per essay). If you are going to quote, be sure to use proper citiation to avoid plagarism. For these essays, you can use parenthetical citation; thus, if you want to cite the textbook, cite it as (Foner, page number). For my notes, you can just use the topic with page number, such as (New Deal, 4). You only need a bibliography if you use outside sources. IMPORTANT NOTE: WIKIPEDIA OR SIMILAR SITES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE SOURCES!!!
When you are finished, please submit your exam as one document in the Dropbox labeled Midterm Exam. The Exam is due by the end of the day Sunday October 26. As always, if you have any questions or problems, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to help. Good luck!
Section I: Comprehensive Question-Choose one of the following two questions for your first essay.
1. Between the Civil War’s conclusion and the New Deal (1865-1940) the perceived role of government, long viewed as strictly limited, began to change in response to growing economic complexity, matters of civil rights, and questions of national security. Choose three examples from this period that illustrate such expansions of governmental power, explain them, and then assess how well they balanced acting for the common good while still respecting individual rights and the free market. (Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, World War I, and the New Deal are good places to focus upon for this question)
2. Historians fiercely debate the period between the Civil War’s conclusion and the Great Depression in terms of defining who enjoyed the benefits of American freedom. One group sees these years in terms of an incredible