1) Can Midwest education be selective in who it offers relocation benefits to?
Companies which are running in the modern business and economic environment tend to come up with different strategies which might be beneficial to the company than the other rival competitors. So it can be more identifiable and unique in the business context where the final ultimate objective is to make profits. Employment growth is a major goal of a state economic policy. Changes in employment are driven by continuous job creation and job destruction, which in turn are the result of six dynamic processes including the birth, death, growth, contraction, and in-migration and out-migration of business establishments. The engagement of Midwest education company in a long-term ongoing project to study the job creation-destruction processes in California with an emphasis on quantifying and better understanding the contribution of each of these business establishment dynamics to employment changes in the state, at the aggregate state level as well as inter-regionally.
We can argue that in thinking about interstate business relocation, one should not focus exclusively on business leaving Kansas City and ignore those that
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