Mrs. Grgas
World Humanities-1
28 October 2014
“War does not decide who's right, but who's left.” In today’s world, war is being fought
everyday, one side who is looked upon as right, and one side who is looked upon as wrong.
Depending on who is making the judgement, is based on what type of view they have towards the situation being disputed. I agree with this statement completely. People win wars and arguments, but not always in a morally just way. Power takes a major toll on the decisions people make. Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen is a story that centers around the conflict two brothers face. Dr. Stockmann is a man who discovered that the bath system is infected with a disease that can be a big threat to the whole town. He recommends that everyone should try and fix the baths or close them down. The Mayor, who is Dr. Stockmann's brother, doesnt believe that there is anything wrong with the baths so refuses to make a change. He believes that it will ruin the stability of the economy. Dr. Stockman decides he will try and approach the people with his findings on the bath, but Peter interferes and tells the people how much more money they will need to spend in order to repair the baths. The two brothers decided to host a community meeting where they would discuss the current state of the baths. During the meeting, Dr. Stockman is accused of being an enemy of the people which riles everyone up against his ideas. Right before the doctor decided he should flee the town, he realized that he must fight using everything he has in his power to prove that he is right. Antigone by Sophecles, begins where she arrives at Thebes. She realizes that both of her brothers are dead but
Eteochles was allowed to be buried. Creon, the king and also antigenes uncle, would not allow the same for Polynecies because he believed he was a traitor to the family. Antigone decides to go against Creon’s rule and buries her brother anyways. Creon