We hear a lot of maids who escape and we read a lot in the press about the crimes committed by the maids, but we do not ask ourselves why all of this is happening? The answer is linked on how the householder treats her maid, which in the matter of time the maid might commit a suicide and get her revenge. people are treating maids as animals, not realizing that they also have feelings and lives to live. Maids also have their rights just like any other person; violence or yelling at them is not the solution this may lead them to escape since they are not machines that can get all your work done at the same time. People should wake up and stop treating them such a way; they are still human that needs to be taken care of instead of treating them bad. They are here to help the house holder; their wasted rights should be defended as people should be punished for what they are doing. Forgin workers comes from a poor background and she does not know so much about the technology and how to use electronic appliances, therefore the householder should train and explains for her the instructions how to use these technological appliances instead of shouting and beating her. When the maid starts working the householder should teach her gently and calmly, she could be ignorant, does not know how to read and write, and not educated enough so she needs time to understand what she should do.
Trading companies are the one who provide households with domestic workers in order to help them with their