English 102-12
February 10, 2015
Rhetorical analysis
Mike Luckovich (2012, March 15) The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
In this political cartoon that was created by Mike Luckovich for the Atlanta journal strikes directly at the republican party. Stating that most people who are not middled aged christian white men are pretty much against them. It shows a large group of republicans but there are no women there even though there is a sign that says “ladies night”. One republican is asking another what other groups have they lost including the ones they already have even though it obvious that women are not at the party.
In this Advertisement it is mainly using the Logos appeal, assuming that the author MIke Luckovich …show more content…
is using actual facts based on prior knowledge of republicans. This party is extremely christian based and are not popular when it comes to minorities and women and the gay community mainly because republicans have stressed that they are very religious and come from upper class communities. They oppose same sex marriage and believe a woman's true place is at home or in the kitchen and men should run everything. For example, when US Representative and Republican Randy Forbes stated before : "Symbolism is important and this legislation seeks to preserve the sacred relationship mothers and fathers share with their children. Referring to parents as 'Parent 1' or 'Parent 2' on official government documentation is a bureaucratic attempt to redefine traditional parent roles. These subtle, but nonetheless significant, changes undermine the traditional American family relationships that have served as the bedrock of our nation since its inception." This ad also has an Ethical appeal. It is targeting republicans and they will most likely take this as a stabb for their beliefs and doing so shows them that their views are effecting their district. Republicans may see this and think they are being trashed but will most likely ever change their views. It is likely that Mike Luckovich is a democrat who likes to tease republicans. This ad is also referring to republicans being dumb, not being able to realize that they lost the women's vote while they are having a ladies night and that is the main things that they are missing. When you are using the emotional appeal you can say that the ones affected would be the minorities, gay community as well as college students, these are people that are not a first concern to republicans. These facts can be determined by just researching republican discussions and beliefs. It is almost like if you are not of of a certain level of class you are not good enough.
When it comes to america, it is not just middle aged christian males who make up the population, their views are very biased and unreal while democrats are more understanding and usually sees everyone as equal unlike the republicans where when it comes to women and minorities as well as homosexuals are under them.
This type of thinking makes other feel as though they are not a priority to this nation and as a result it is less likely for them to be republicans. If there was a homosexual republican it would be a huge contradiction since republicans are against same sex marriage.
When using the ethical approach it is easy to tell that Mike luckovich is a democrat based on this and his past illustrations that he is most likely a democrat and probably thinks republicans are fools. Now based on this cartoon it is not saying that ALL republicans are white, there are Women, Blacks and Hispanics that are republicans but just not as many as you think
The illustration is somewhat true just a bit over exaggerated but it makes a pretty good argument , kind of like a punch in the face to all republicans which may maybe what they deserve. If more people were to see this they would most likely agree with it or think it is absolutely wrong. And most would
It is all in what you believe is right and wrong everyone has their own beliefs that will sometimes never change and thats just how its gonna be.
work sited cartoonist group, Mike “Republican party”
Mike Luckovich's Editorial Cartoons, March 15, 2013 web Apr 13
News.Mic, MIke Republicans feb 10 web august 3