A few major causes of disabilities are discussed as under:
Genetics: Anomalies in genes can cause disabilities such as spinal bifida and muscular dystrophy, and intellectual disabilities like Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. These are inherited at birth. However, diseases and …show more content…
overexposure to radiation may also bring about genetic abnormalities.
Poverty: Many families live below the poverty line and go without two square meals a day.
Their living conditions are drastic and they do not have access to quality healthcare, safe drinking water, proper sanitation, and wholesome nutrition. As such, they fall prey to many diseases and disabilities, and pass them on to their offspring.
Accidents: Accidents are unpredictable external causes that may result in permanent disabilities, such as paralysis of the limbs, amputation, and psychosomatic disorders. Those employed at dangerous workplaces, for e.g. mines, chemical industries, construction business, etc. should take extra care in order to avoid accidents.
Diseases: If a child is not vaccinated on time, they may become susceptible to diseases like polio which can cripple them. Infectious diseases acquired during infancy and childhood, or during pregnancy by the infected mother, may result in growth retardation, seizures, congenital toxoplasmosis, etc. Illnesses like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, etc. also result in
Hormonal Imbalances: Disturbances in the function of the endocrine glands are also responsible for bringing about disabilities, both physical and mental.
Malnutrition: Lack of proper nutrition affect the healthy growth of a child, who might become physically weak, stunted, and malformed. Iodine deficiency, for example, retard the normal growth process. Vitamin deficiency may cause blindness (Vitamin A), osteomalacia and learning disabilities (Vitamin D), cognitive decline and functional disability (Vitamin B12), etc.
Radiation: Overexposure to radiation brings about genetic mutation, as already mentioned. Accidents occurring at nuclear power plants—1979 in USA and 1986 in Ukraine—have had long term effects, causing disabilities in the affected population.
Toxicity: Use of pesticides and insecticides, presence of lead and mercury in consumed products, can also result in lasting illnesses and disabilities. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984 produced long term health effects that include neurological disabilities like impairment of memory and motor skills and inability to grow in children.
Violence and Trauma: Injuries sustained in violent physical attacks may cause disabilities that are not only physical but also mental, such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). Bomb attacks, for example, might result in loss of limbs and loss of speech, hearing, eyesight, etc.
Medical Malpractice: Ill-qualified medical practitioners and poor health facilities have been known to inadvertently cause disabilities with their lack of knowledge, unhygienic methods like not sterilising their equipment, administering the wrong medication, etc.