Whereas the US has become the main resource in world affairs, our involvement has made us lose sight of our own problems. From Iraq and Afghanistan to now Syria it feels as if the U.S always has to be involved in other countries affairs. It seems as if it has become the moral and humanitarian duty for the U.S to become involved in other countries. With the help that the United States gives to foreign countries this has begun to create a negative feelings amongst other countries and the U.S citizens themselves who believe that we should stay out of other countries problems. We have bigger underlying problems that need to be dealt with in the U.S before we begin to intervene in other countries. …show more content…
leaders have begun to prepare for a new round of expanded military involvement in the Middle East. The U.S is not only known for having one of the largest militaries, but also for having one of the largest economic international debts in the world. This is largely due to the U.S getting involved with other countries foreign affairs. Following 9/11, the United States launched new military endeavors on a number of fronts, including in Iraq. The cost of the U.S being involved in Iraq and Afghanistan has significantly outpaced the government’s predictions. In 2002 it was estimated that the amount of money to be spent on invading Iraq would only be between 100 billion to 200 billion dollars. In 2007, the United States had already spent $368 billion on its military operations in Iraq, and nearly $200 billion on top of that in Afghanistan (Teslik, Lee H. “Backgrounder: Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S Economy”). The amount of money that was predicted to be spent on getting involved has increased through expectations and still continues to rise and in the year 2017 might top $1 trillion, plus an extra $705 billion in interest payments. Just alone in the U.S involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, which combined could reach $2.4 trillion (Teslik, Lee H. “Backgrounder: Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S Economy”). All this money being spent on Iraq and Afghanistan is just piling up on the 17 trillion dollar debt that the U.S has that could be …show more content…
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