
Military Leader Demand Respect Analysis

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Should a military leader demand respect or should it be gained? Discuss.

First of all, we need to understand the definition of leader. Leader is someone that can lead his men and even control them. The roles of leader were broad as many things he needs to look after for example the welfare of his men and so on. In terms of respect, it can be gain or it can be naturally. It depends on how the leader express theirself to their men. You’ve got to give it to get it. Gaining respect is a process. You must first build rapport, then develop a relationship — before you get mutual respect. People won’t trust anyone they don’t respect first. Respect is not something that you demand — it is something that you earn — one person at a time. Much
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Researchers often tell us that leaders should be honest, have integrity, and so forth. For example, John Gardner makes his plea for ethical leaders in his working paper “The Moral Aspect of Leadership,” later published in his book On Leadership (Gardner, 1987). In the chapter titled “The Moral Dimension of Leadership,” Gardner began by categorizing the different kinds of bad leaders, or what he called transgressors, that we find in history. He said some leaders are cruel to their subjects; some encourage their subjects to be cruel to others; some motivate their subjects by playing on the cruelty of their subjects; some render their followers childlike and dependent; and some destroy processes that societies have set up to preserve freedom, justice, and human dignity (Gardner, 1990, pp. 67–68). Gardner picks an important and provocative place to start a discussion on ethics and leadership. However, he never takes us much beyond …show more content…

History, philosophy, anthropology, literature, and religion all promise to expand our understanding of leaders and leadership. Ancient writers such as Plato, Aristotle, Lao-tzu, and Confucius not only tell us about leadership, they also capture our imaginations. What makes a classic a classic is that its message carries themes and values that are meaningful to people from different cultures and different periods of history. They offer well-grounded ideas about who we are, what we should be like, and how we should live. These ideas will help us understand current empirical research on leadership and generate new ideas for research. In my own work, I have begun to research the history of the idea of leadership. Where did the idea of leadership come from and how has it evolved in various cultures to the way that we think about it today? To really understand leadership, we need to put our ear to the ground of history and listen carefully to the saga of human hopes, desires, and aspirations, and the follies, disappointments, and triumphs of those who led and those who followed them. As Confucius once said, “A man who reviews the old as to find out the new is qualified to teach

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