In other words, we readjust or react to fire as any wise infantryman can attest to this statement. We essentially cannot solve every day issues and complex issues by a simple answer. Situational leadership, enables me to reach my Soldiers or mission needs with small degrees of difficulty. When my Soldiers are going thru crisis, I as a leader take a moment to assess the situation and figure out courses of actions based upon the best outcomes. For example, if one of my Soldiers is going thru financial difficulties, the first step is to find out all the facts of the situation and refer him or her to resources like Army Emergency Relief (AER). However, if the Soldier previously used AER to resolve a previous financial issue, then AER may not be a viable solution.
Situational leadership is important to me. This type of leadership paid dividends in the past. So far, every situation or mission flung my way and been resolved or accomplished. My Soldier had been receptive to my leadership style and I had learned from my Soldier as well. Furthermore, situational leadership, in my opinion, gives me the flexibility to be a chameleon and espoused other leadership types pending on the situation at hand. In my experiences, every single day brings a new or complex