Being one of the largest in the parrot family, they measure around 30 inches from the tip of the beak to the extreme and of the tail's feathers. The size of their wings exceeds a length of 40 inches. These birds possess a relatively long lifespan of over 50 years.
A majority of military macaws are vibrant green in colour, with radiant blue edged wings and a striking patch of red on the forehead. Magnificent black beak matching with dull gray feet adds an enigmatic charm to the bird. …show more content…
Similar to the diet in the wild, pet military macaws should be fed a healthy mix of nutrition rich seeds and fresh fruits that are safe for birds.
Since military macaws are migratory birds, they are equipped by birth to fly long distances at a stretch. To counter this in captivity, exercising them is the fundamental rule. A dedicated outdoor play time of about 2 to 4 hours should be allowed for them to come out of their cage. In this duration of time, the birds utilize to stretch their wings as wide as possible and to flexibly move their beaks to and fro. A sense of mental well being is assured with this freedom.
By nature, military macaws are lovable and affectionate beings. They improve on their socializing skills when they are trained carefully and tamed alongside relaxed companions. The overall personality of a military macaw is good tempered and friendly, at times they do become cranky and difficult to handle. They possess this quirky talent of mimicking human