
Military Presence In Iraq Essay

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September 11, 2001 was a very sad day for the whole country. President George Bush was at Emma E. Booker elementary in Florida when two passenger planes were flown into the World Trade Towers. Ever since that day the Bush administration were on a mission to find who had done this and put an end to them. That is why the U.S. military is in Iraq and will probably will be there for a while. President Barack while he was still the president tried to remove our military presence in Iraq by about ten thousand troops a day for five months. Iraq is a very dangerous place and no American soldier should be over there in my opinion.The question now is having the military presence in Iraq going to be a good or bad thing. Iraq’s political situation is in a very bad situation and are in a very bad spot. The political shift in Iraq is so bad that is why we have a military presence in Iraq to keep the balance. The Sunnis which is a small percentage of the muslim population in Iraq does not agree with some of the political decisions there would be a good chance of retaliation. They most likely not attack due to our U.S. military support, but if we were not there a civil war could possibly erupt. In the article “ The U.S. Military Presence in Iraq Must Continue” President Bush states “the larger goal of the surge was to facilitate a political breakthrough” …show more content…

This will help get our troops out but will be good if the Iraqiens are not ready. Even though both leaders may want the troops out, the best way to deter a civil war is to keep them thirty to fifty thousands troops in Iraq. The objective that the soldiers would face over there would be a lot less than before, they would train and inform Iraq security forces to carry out counterrorism mission. They would also just be there to help prevent a civil

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