that has yet to happen and may not happen soon. The best thing for Iraq is to let the political leaders over there handle the business and call for a re-open, which lets the Americans troops out by the next year.
This will help get our troops out but will be good if the Iraqiens are not ready. Even though both leaders may want the troops out, the best way to deter a civil war is to keep them thirty to fifty thousands troops in Iraq. The objective that the soldiers would face over there would be a lot less than before, they would train and inform Iraq security forces to carry out counterrorism mission. They would also just be there to help prevent a civil
war. In the article “ Will Withdrawal Damage U.S. Morale and Credibility” has some very good points over how bringing troops home is a good effect. Civil war may happen, but the matter of fact is that a civil war broke out just a week after the U.S. had taken over Saddam. In the article George Bush had stated “ Iraq has peered into the abyss of civil war”. Plus the withdrawal of troops will not damage the U.S. morale and credibility it will improve it. If troops had the option to choose either to go home or stay and fight, a majority would choose to go home so they can be with her family instead of being in a desert. Some will say that the terrorist will be encouraged once the U.S. leaves. That is mostly false, once the U.S. entered Iraq the Baathist ( Saddam Hussein’s ruling party in Iraq) to either surrender or ally with al Qaeda. Leaving would be a great option because if we leave the Sunnis group will most definitely turn against al Qaeda and run them out of Iraq for good. But we can not leave until the Iraqi forces stand up and get its political consolidation right. While interviewing C.J Perez, he was with us being in Iraq. He had stated “Bad stuff needs to happen to bad people”. That is the reason why C.J holds his opinion why we should be over there. They are messing with us, trying to attack us in our homeland, and are just scary human beings. They do not like how we run things over here so they attack us and try to push government or rules that they follow on us. Having a current presence in Iraq is good because we can monitor them, while keeping a good defense so they can not get back to us so easily. I also interviewed Taytum Miller, she was against the U.S. being in Iraq. If there is no current conflict going on the U.S should not be over there, and we are using resources that can be used to help support troops that are actually in battle twenty four seven. Another reason is that those soldiers are away from their family in a place that does not need them any more. Taytum States “If it’s not our business then we should not engage with them, it’s like if two people are arguing you shouldn't go in and intervene in their private affairs” The U.S. should still help them out in resources in food or other supplies not just send troops over to fight their battle and lose our people just to defend their’s. I believe that it’s okay to have troops over there to help them out and support them. We shouldn't keep them over there for an unnecessary amount of time just so the Iraqi politicians can be lazy. Yes some of the people who attacked us live there, but that doesn’t mean we have to be there for six to eight years trying to kill a whole terror group. I think that a small group of troops should be stationed there just to keep the peace and if the Iraqi people need help, I don't think we need fifty thousand people stationed there.