When a man volunteers for the army he agrees to follow a set of general and specific guidelines set forth by many men before him. These guidelines are expected to be met by every soldier in the military, whether thought to be stupid or mundane, every soldier will meet these standards or punishment will ensue. These rules are important to maintain the army's tradition of excellence of dominance. We are the best at what we do, we have discovered a formula which produces greatness, and as such it should be followed. Part of this formula is the uniform code. Although simple, and easy to follow, soldiers(such as myself) may sometimes fall short of the knowledge required to maintain it. Some choose to completely ignore it. It is important to repeatedly answer the demands of AR670-1 to build a disciplined soldier, one who attends work everyday with the required materials and who acts like an army soldier.
The army is required to have regulation 670-1 to hold soldiers to a higher standard than most by the way they wear a prescribed uniform and by their personal appearance. The vision of an American soldier is not one with long hair, dirty uniforms, and untamed facial hair. A soldier should look presentable and professional at all times. A soldier with a professional appearance includes wearing a