23 Sept 2013
Essay 2
Eng. 095
Subject - Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate
Type - objective essay
Role -facts
Audience – everyone
Purpose – to inform
In this objective essay I will compare milk chocolate with dark chocolate. First there was chocolate, from milk to dark but which one would be favored. Many people would say milk chocolate and then some would say dark chocolate. For many reasons this could be pretty much up in the air. If you asked each person on the street what they would choose, milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Chocolate is also said to be healthy in many cases to prevent disease. The history of chocolate, from before 1900 B.C. the cocoa bean, its drink and its many other uses were used like salt and pepper is used today. There were many uses for it within the Mesoamerican to the Mokaya and other pre-Olmec people. This went on to the Mayan and the Aztecs who used it until the Spanish introduced it to Europe in the 1500’s. Today chocolate in its many forms, from milk to dark and even white has made quite an impact on all cultures. Each culture used it a differently. This in turn makes it different but chocolate is still used pretty much the same. Only that what is used for and how it is used may differ a bit. Chocolate has a history from about 1900 B.C. to what we have today, it’s still chocolate but just a tweak different. Milk chocolate is very popular in America. It is made with sugar, chocolate, and milk or condensed milk. Milk chocolate must contain a minimum of about 20-25 % total dry cocoa powder. The rest is milk and sugar. This makes it sweet and soft. Milk chocolates are used for many reasons. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter is responsible for feeling of well-being, is in milk chocolate. It also has health benefits it protects the teeth from decaying. Milk chocolate is high in vitamins B1, B2, D and E. It also contain potassium and magnesium. It has antioxidants that boost one’s
Cited: 1. “Milk Chocolate” Joy of baking.com. N.p.,n.d Web. 13 Sept. 2013. . 2. “Chocolate” Wikipedia.com. N.p.,n.d. Web. 13 Sept.2013. . 3. “History of Chocolate” Wikipedia.com. N.p.,n.d. Web. 13 Sept.2013. < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_chocolate>.