The ideal American Dream to the Millennials is less tangible than their predecessors. Instead of living for the future, their dream is really about living in the now and the ability to have more control over their day-to-day lives. Their reasons are based on what happened to their parents dreams, of having a home that is paid for, having a life free from financial worries when they retired. With the instability of the economy and the unemployment at its highest point ever, their parent’s dreams never came
to fruition.
Today’s Millennials ideal life is to be able to travel, make their own work schedules and basically spend more time with their friends. They have no interest in working a 9 to 5 job where they would be at the mercy of their employer.
To many this way of thinking is very unsettling. Many find this way of thought reminiscent to a socialist way of thinking where the government basically guaranteed the day-to-day lives of its citizens, such as jobs, wages and housing.
Most people agree that this argument is greatly exaggerated. But it does points out how young adults see the world. To them the American Dream is even further beyond their reach as compared to their parent’s time. The older generation are now agreeing with the Millennials that the American Dream is slipping away.