The purpose of the Millennium Development Program is to identify the difficulties in each country that hinder the development of the nation and establish a set of goals to achieve in order to overcome those problems. The main purpose of the UNDP, with particular reference to Afghanistan includes addressing the following issues in order to achieve the MDGs. 1. Establishing effective Democratic Governance is essential to achieving the MDGs. Therefore, the UNDP assists Afghanistan by focusing on activities that will strengthen the aptitude, (mainly relating to leadership, management and communications) of civil servants involved in priority government organisations. Projects include the Justice program and SEAL (Support to the Establishment of the Afghan Legislature) 2. Poverty is another issue. The purpose of the UNDP in addressing this issue is to provide multisectoral support through national level policies, institutional support and community based projects in order to empower disadvantaged social groups so that they can be financially and socially self sustainable (A major project includes NABDP - National Area-Based Development Programme). 3. A major concern that must be addressed is Crisis Prevention and Recovery. UNDP works to reduce the impact of anti-personnel mines, arms and ammunition on civilians and instead, promote conflict prevention, peace building and sustainable development 4. Environment and Energy must be considered in order for effective development. The UNDP ensures environmental concerns are tackled with through planning, public awareness building and community projects.
What are the Millenium Development Goals?
Goals one to eight are accepted by most nations globally. Goal nine has been established for Afghnistan. * Goal One - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger * Goal Two - Achieve universal primary education * Goal Three - Promote gender