Mime Study Sheet
Ms. Gravelle
Research the following questions by searching the internet and viewing the videos posted on the moodle.
Due Date: 7A – Monday, January 28. 7D – Tuesday, January 29.
1. Define Mime:
Mime is a theatrical technique of suggesting action, character or motion without words, using only jesters, expressions and movement.
2. What are some of the specific elements of mime?
Explore, touch, feel and use.
3. How is mime different from other theatre forms? Mime actors are non speaking.
4. When and where did mime start? Why did mime make sense for this time period? Before the spoken language, mime was used to communicate needs and wants.
5. Where did mime become the most popular? When did this happen? Why do you think mime was popular there?
Mime began as an entertainment form with the ancient Greeks and Romans. Around four BCE. It was popular because it entertained people.
6. Name 3 famous mimes. Where are they from? When did they live? What were they known for? Watch a video on YouTube of a famous mime. Write a short review of what you saw, what the mime did well, how, and what you would improve about the performance. Use Drama Word Wall language.
Mime artist | Country | Year | Known for | Marcel Marceau | France | 1923-2007 | Famous for universally acclaimed as worlds greatest mime | Etienne Decroux | France | 1898-1991 | Father of modern mime | John Weaver | England | 1673-1760 | Father of English mime |
Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw-nek2jV4E
Marcel Marceau mimes the performance of a circus lion tamer. This was a mime there for no vocal techniques were used, but there were a lot of facial expressions. There were a lot of jesters and his body was well orientated to the audience. I would improve this performance by eliminating the hat prop and replacing it with a whip.
8. Describe how to perform pulling a rope.
Step 1: