Simple living and high thinking most of the people would like to follow this ideal in their day-to-day life. In olden days people used to go to a forest and eat berries & roots , live in a cottage with this intention only. The names of Mahatma Gandhi, Swamy Vivekananda, Mother Teresa, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Madame Currie, Carlos Marx, Lenin and MaoTseTung and numerous others flash in our mind as soon as we think of this ideal simple living and high thinking. They are the great personalities who led their life in simplest way and who did lot of thinking for the welfare of humanity. Life of every great personality is worth emulating for one or another reason. Every one of these great personalities has left behind their own mark or marks in this universe, which is worth following in our life. Simple living means wearing ordinary clothes, having ordinary meals and tiffin and using a small place to live in even though one could afford or enjoy much more than that. Generally it is restricting themselves only to the basic necessities of life and foregoing all the luxuries of life. They eat to live and not live to eat.
Human mind thinks interminently and it cannot be idle. Thoughts flow in it incessantly. Thinking is a process. Both good thoughts or positive thoughts and bad thoughts or negative thoughts come to our mind. We should be master of our mind, which is nothing but having full control over thoughts that come to mind .It is mastering the art of replacing negative thoughts that come to our mind by positive thoughts. Ultimately allowing noble thoughts or good thoughts occupy our mind, which give scope for high thinking. High thinking always needs time or leisure, knowledge, experience, patience, will, determination, discussions, clarifications, and guidance etc. to give it proper direction and achieve commendable results. Range of thinking, depends on the individual or personality. Greater the