I believe it is rather difficult to properly grasp this scenario due to its futuristic characterisations. Without …show more content…
When Jack’s mind was renovated, all these aspects of Jack where removed and placed into a computer. Now all the information from his mind, which was in the computer has now been placed into John. Without those key aspects in his mind, Jack can no longer be Jack as he is now a “New Jack”, and with the renovations that the doctor used on John, he now has all of “old Jack’s” beliefs, thoughts and information which ultimately makes him Jack.
To argue that A is no longer Jack, it is best to use the reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) which will seek to demonstrate that a statement is true by showing that an unsound, false, or absurd result follows from its denial, or in turn to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that an unsound, false, or absurd result follows from its acceptance. (Bo, 2012) The absurd conclusion of this type of argument can take the form of “The Earth cannot be flat, otherwise we would find people falling off the edge”. This argues that the …show more content…
This thesis raises the question of whether or not an object that has had all of its components replaced still remains fundamentally the same object. (Yanofksy, 2013) In my opinion this theory is rather useless as it does not apply to a human’s entire brain being redeveloped and renovated. While it is able to determine that if a sock with a hole is stitched back it is still the same, a sock and a human brain are two very different things, and if a person’s core memories and thoughts and beliefs have been erased and completely changed how could they possibly be the same person they were before? Yes their body and facial features are the same, but just because they look the same it does not mean they are the same as they were before. Identical twins look the same, but the fact that they look the same, does not mean they are the same