According to the Habits of Mind Self-Assessment, I am strong in the categories: persisting, metacognition, striving for accuracy, open to continuous learning, and responding with wonderment. Meaning, I stick through tasks. I’m aware of my thoughts and feelings. I have high standards, and do my best to achieve them. I am always open to learn more, and I enjoy the process of learning. Based on the Habits of Mind Self-Assessment, I can improve in thinking flexibly, and …show more content…
This discipline works well with thinking flexibly, so I will also be working on perspective taking to strengthen this category. I also need to work on being open to constructive criticism. I need to imagine my vision first, and then work to accomplish that goal. I need to work on visualizing A goal, and working towards the goal, because that disposition will give meaning to what I teach. Students will view the information I present as important if there is an end goal in mind. It is important for me to strengthen this category, because constructive criticism is an excellent way for me to get feedback on my teaching. To grow as a better student and teacher, I will ask for as many opinions as possible about my work. Others may provide insight I never thought of. Being able to accept, and learn from this constructive criticism is the only way I can improve my teaching. Others may have a different way of teaching that is more effective that I can learn