School of Mining Engineering
Prepared for
Dr Serkan Saydam
Mine 8150
Mine Design and Feasability
Major Assignment
Prepared by
David G Rolph
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Huntley and Avondale Collieries are existing underground mines in the Illawarra coal fields of New South Wales. Both mines are on care and maintenance at present but with an improved financial outlook, the existing infrastructure and the location of the mines in relation existing coal mining infrastructure, an opportunity to reopen the mines is available. A financial model for the reopening of the mines based on provided economic conditions, historical operating costs and production rates has been generated to aid evaluation as well as a critique of the technical aspects of reopening the mines as provided in project evaluation document.
Summary ii
1. Contents iii
1.1. Table of figures vi
2. Introduction 1
3. Description of Huntley and avondale coal mines 2
3.1. Mining Process and Systems 3
3.2. Mining Operations 3
3.2.1. Bord and Pillar Mining 4
3.2.2. Development Mining 4
3.2.3. Pillar Extraction / 2nd Workings 5
3.2.4. Shortwall Mining 7
4. Coal Reserves 9
4.1. Huntley / Avondale Coal Reserves 10
5. Financial Model 12
5.1. Cash Flow 12
5.2. Costs 13
5.3. Revenue 14
5.4. Sensitivity Anaylisis 15
6. Technical Analysis of Redevelopment Proposal 18
6.1. Mining Method 18
6.2. Spatial Characteristics of the Deposit 19
6.3. Geologic and Hydrologic Conditions 20
6.4. Geotechnical Properties 21
6.5. Economic Considerations 22
6.6. Technical Factors 22
6.7. Environmental Concerns 22
6.7.1. Subsidence from Mining Activities 22
6.7.2. Atmospheric Control 22
6.7.3. Waste Disposal Areas 23
6.7.4. Workforce 23
6.8. Government
References: New South Wales Mineral Council, Illawarra Mining History, [online] Available from: <> [Accessed, September 2nd, 2011] AusIMM, 2009 Underground Coal Mining, Shortwall Mining Method, [online] Avaialble from: [Accessed August 20th, 2011] AusIMM, 2009