As a child, we always ask for the nicer things in life from one extreme to another. When we get Crayons. I feel like this is a more than true statement. Growing up as a child for me a big thing was shoes. Elementary throughout high …show more content…
I went from being a kid worried about who had the best shoes, which now is something small. Now I see myself focusing on who has the better car, the better house, and more recently who is on the side of the best presidential candidate. This all seems to come very naturally and seems to just be a fact of human nature, to compare and contrast belongings. However, these things might seem ignoble and low-principled, it is still something done in today’s society. I feel as though without competition between friends, enemies, neighbors and co-workers, the fight to strive for better and be the best you can be loses its importance and we have to keep that in mind.
In conclusion, the question is, who has the better of what? The work “Mine is better” discusses this question in detail. It explains and tells the story of how this very question gets raised from childhood to adulthood. It explains the value in humanities eyes in having the best of the best and always wanting better. On that note, I completely agree that the goal is to always want the best and have the