Fall Prevention Scale
JS scored a total of three out of fourteen possible. This showed that she is not a high risk. There was a point for incontinence of urine at times. Another point was given for complaint of dizziness if rising too quickly. The final point was for when rising from a chair she was able to push up in one successful attempt (Tabloski, 2014).
Summary of Overall Impression
Overall Impression
JS is an eighty-two year old Caucasian female that has extensive health issues, but has adapted her life style to what her body will allow her to function. Her past medical history includes asthma since childhood, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, gout, obesity, body mass index forty-five, sciatica right-sided numbness, acute bronchitis, degenerative lumbar disc, and insomnia. She is alert and oriented to person, place, and time and …show more content…
There is no problems with undernourishment even though she depends on others to get her groceries, she prepares her own meals, and has a tooth missing. The tooth has been missing for many years and JS has adapted eating without the missing tooth. After reviewing her dietary choices, it became clear that her diet is lacking in vegetables since JS does not like them. JS needs education on ways to work vegetables into her diet that she would enjoy and on the proper sizes of the foods she