20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering November 15-20, 2009, Gramado, RS, Brazil
MELO, Rodrigo N., a42144@alunos.uminho.pt
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal.
MONTEIRO, António A.C., cmonteiro@dem.uminho.pt Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal MARTINS, Jorge J.G., jmartins@dem.uminho.pt
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal.
COENE, Stijn, stijnxcoene@hotmail.com
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal.
PUGA, Helder F., puga@dem.uminho.pt
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal.
BARBOSA, José J.C., kim@dem.uminho.pt
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal.
Abstract. This work shows the development of the design and manufacturing of a very small engine, namely its head. The engine works under the 4-stroke cycle, therefore having a very complex cylinder head, housing the camshaft, valves and its auxiliaries (seats, guides, springs), spark plug, inlet and exhaust passages and a coolant chamber. The geometries, both inner and outer are highly intricate which makes the production of such a part a very difficult job. In addition, when the engine is very small, as it is the case of this engine, all dimensions are miniaturized therefore making it extremely difficult to design, cast and finish. The cooling chamber, in particular, has a critical inner core removal problem due to reduced accessibility, imposing casting limitations. The cores place also a problem of air and gas removal during metal filling and solidification. Rapid prototyping may be the only solution to build the cores, and may help in the design and manufacturing phases of the casting tools. 3D printing with a plaster based material as a rapid prototyping technique presents
References: Barbosa, J., Monteiro, A., Pais, M. (1999), “Análise Crítica da Evolução da Fundição”; 1ro Congresso LusoMoçambicano, Maputo, Moçambique Coene, S. (2008) “Inlet Design for Optimal Swirl in an IC Engine”, MSc thesis, University of Minho, Portugal Dickens, P.M., et al (1995), “Conversion of RP Models to investment Castings, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 1:4, 4-11. The cost-effectiveness of the process suits best high complexity small parts and low quantities, which are typical of both technologies Heywood, J.B. (1988), “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw-Hill, 1988 Saraiva, V., Lima, M, Monteiro, A., Pouzada, S. (2002), “A Study on the Application of Investment Casting to Injection Moulds”, RPD (2002) – Advanced Solutions and Development, Marinha Grande, Portugal Stone, R. (1989) “Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy”, Middlesex (England), Macmillan education LTD, 6. RESPONSIBILITY NOTICE The author(s) is (are) the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper.