Section 5(1): Appropriate Government can set up any number of committees or sub-committees as it considers necessary to hold inquiries and advice it in respect of fixing rate of minimum.
Government is empowered to fix the minimum rates of wages for different classes of employees such as skilled, unskilled .clerical, supervisory etc.
(1) Any minimum rate of wages fixed or revised by the appropriate Government in respect of scheduled employments under section 3 may consist of—
* A basic rate of wages and a special allowance at a rate to be adjusted, at such intervals and in such manner as the appropriate Government may direct, to accord as nearly as practicable with the variation in the cost of living index number applicable to such workers (hereinafter referred to as the" cost of living allowance"); or * A basic rate of wages with or without the cost of living allowance, and the cash value of the concessions in respect of supplies of essential commodities at concession rates, where so authorized; or * An all- inclusive rate allowing for the basic rate, the cost of living allowance and the cash value of the concessions, if any. * Minimum numbers of employee: the appropriate government may not fix minimum rates of wages in respect of wages in respect of any scheduled employment in which there are less than 1000 employees engaged in the whole state. * But the number rises to 1000 or more the government may make an enquiry and shall fix minimum rates of wages payable to such employees as soon as possible after such finding. * The capacity of industry which is turn is to be considered on an industry –cum-region basis after taking a fair cross section of the industry. * The capacity of industry depends on the elasticity of demand for the product, possibility of tightening up the organization etc.
The minimum wages act should not apply-
When for such employment an industrial dispute is