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The cost of living has sky rocketed,it has become almost impossible to rais afamily on a minimum wage job. A person live on his or her own can not survive on minimum wage job either. Their living expense would just be too much. The earnings of minimum wage workers are crucial to their families well being. That is way the minimum wage should raised.…
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Many business owners have argued that raising the minimum wage would cause hardship and cause businesses to raise their prices, but many workers argue that raising the minimum wage is necessary to help low-income workers to get out of poverty. Two main issues that workers face are insufficient wages to support their families which causes them to depend on government funding. Secondly, workers are faced with decreased job satisfaction due to making low wages. In my opinion, minimum wages should be increased because it will allow workers to feel that they have job security. Additionally, increased pay will allow people to further support themselves and avoid taking benefits from the government and can use…
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As the minimum wage increases, so does inflation. If an employer has to pay higher wages, then the price of the product or service being produced will have to cost more in order to pay the employee. In return the prices of all goods and services will rise, and the person earning higher wages, makes no gain. In some instances, a pay hike would not make a livable wage, but in fact could make it worse. People who normally get tax breaks for having a low income, would now end up paying more in taxes and may actually end up making less money overall. Higher minimum wages force employers to cut back on training, which deprive low wage workers of any chance of long-term advancement, in return for a small increase in current income. Having higher wages for low-paid positions might also discourage workers from gaining new skills. In most circumstances, minimum wage workers may start off at minimum wage and then as time goes on and their skills are refined, they end up getting paid more. So while many people may start off at minimum wage, many of these people don't necessarily stay fixed at minimum wage. There are many minimum wage jobs that offer advancement…
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As stated in the pros column written by David Cooper, minimum wage should be raised to help people in poverty, help people pay for education, and to allow people to have some assurance when it comes to money. A raise in the minimum wage would help many people.…
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Minimum wage was introduced during the time of the Great Depression by President Roosevelt. Citizens in states which have a higher minimum wage say that states with a lower minimum wage cannot live off of such a small wage, and that a higher minimum wage will create higher economy growth and more jobs and minimum wage is causing a significant gap between upper classes and lower classes. Businesses say that it will be difficult to pay their workers more and that they would have to layoff workers and reduce hiring as well. This would make it difficult for low-income workers to find jobs that require skill and it would also hurt low-income families. In general, minimum wage has drawbacks in terms of reducing job opportunities for adults and causing…
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Minimum wage is a labor standard that sets the lowest wage rate that an employer can pay its employees. Its main goal is to protect non-unionized workers in unprofessional jobs. The U.S. established the first minimum wage to be $0.25 an hour with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). Over the changing time periods, considering inflation and economic growth, the minimum wage now stands at $7.25 an hour. One of the biggest debates in the United States is whether the government should raise the minimum wage. Supporters believe the minimum wage is too low and does not meet the basic conditions for survival, while opponents believe that raising the minimum wage will not be of significant help and will in fact hurt the economy…
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The minimum wage is the less amount of money an employee can earn hourly in a workplace. This was established to reduce exploitation and to guarantee employees the ability to support themselves and their family. The national minimum wage is now $7.25 and has been maintained the same since 2009. However, the cost of living has increased over the past decade. It’s almost impossible for someone living on their own or a single parent to reach an economic stability. By raising the minimum wage the poverty level will decrease as well of the government assistant and more student will graduate from higher education without the concern of a great amount of…
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The minimum wage has the ability to ruin or stabilize our economy. The government must be more cautious in its implementation of the minimum wage. The minimum wage should not be raised because it will increase inflation, take away jobs, decrease job opportunity for untrained individuals, and hurt small businesses. A rising minimum wage will result in a higher price of goods and raise inflation of our economy.…
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The minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law or by special agreement, but as of late many minimum wage workers have been complaining about their low wage of 7.25 an hour. Many people also believe that the low minimum wage is the reason why a lot of people are in poverty and why there are so many poor people. Common sense would have you believe that if you raise minimum wage you raise the standard of living and you bring people out of poverty, right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief that is not true AT ALL. Raising the minimum wage is not only bad for the economy, but it also does not help the poor it actually hurts them in a way.…
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Minimum wage had been a huge problem in today's world. It affecting about 1.3 millions people a year and continues to grow. People been trying to raise minimum wage forever. Minimum wage is affecting the lower and middle class the most. Some people don't notice what's really happening because they're blinded to how much they really should be making. Inflation also has to do with minimum wage. We think we get paid more, but in reality we don’t. Raising minimum wage also means prices for good go up as well. Basically we still at the same place we started. That's how they get us, by making us think we are making more and were not.…
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For those who are paid minimum wage, everyday living is a struggle. Minimum wage is the smallest amount of money that a boss can legally pay their employee. As of now, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. When people are paid minimum wage they can’t live comfortably. Raising the federal minimum wage is imperative, even though some may think differently. If the minimum wage was increased, people would be able to earn a living wage standard, and avoid poverty; however, some would argue that by increasing the minimum wage would negatively impact the economy.…
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The increase of minimum wage has been a topic throughout the years of our lifetime and the debate is getting bigger than ever. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour and it hasn’t increased since the year of 2007, however there are states such as Washington that has a minimum wage of $11.00 an hour. Although the increase of minimum wage can have some consequences, the increase of minimum wage has more to benefit. Raising the minimum wage would increase economic activity and spur job growth, A higher minimum wage would reduce government welfare spending, Americans won’t live for paycheck to paycheck, and millions of Americans will no longer need assistance on government assistance programs.…
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With a higher minimum wage, parents will then finally have time to be with their family. Which will prevent the children turning violent due to their parent/s being more involved in their life. If people worked in a higher minimum wage then they’ll probably be more encouraged to go school. With their sustainable paycheck, they’ll most likely have more time and the money to earn a degree so they can be prone to better opportunities. In addition, the economy will rise with a higher minimum wage. Most people think that a raise in people’s paycheck will only cause inflation or the economy will go down, when in fact, that is not true. In the report “Working Poor in America,” by Oxfam America stated, “Effects on prices are also minimal, as one study found that household food costs would rise by no more than a dime a day.” While people worry about inflation rising really high, the truth is that there will only be a minor rise of cost in food. Which should not really be a problem, since a higher minimum wage should be able to support you enough. As a further matter, the economy will rise because people won’t need to rely on government programs as much. With a higher minimum wage, people will be able to pay their bills and necessities, without having to need as much help from the government. Taxpayers…
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Minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement that can be applied for an employee or put simply, the lowest amount of pay that an employee can make. Governments set a minimum wage on businesses in hope for reduced poverty and increases in the standard of living. Minimum wages are beneficial up to a line, when minimum wage is too high, it makes businesses make crucial decisions and must save money by firing workers, reducing output, and increasing prices on products. Over the years, the federal minimum wage has increased and has been beneficial up to the minimum wage increase in July 24, 2009 from $6.55 to $7.25. After the increase, the unemployment rate has soared and businesses fired worker and increased their prices. For this reason, it would be beneficial to the economy if the minimum wage is reduced back to $6.55 because it will decrease the unemployment rate, increase GDP, and help youth and unskilled workers in the job industry.…
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The minimum wage was first enacted into law as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938. The original minimum wage applied to workers engaged in interstate commerce and the production of goods for interstate commerce. In 1938, this applied to roughly 11.0 million workers out of a total of 54.9 million workers. The minimum wage was set at $0.25 per hour. However, by 1966 the minimum wage $1.25 and applied to virtually all workers. In its beginnings, the minimum wage was set at a value that was high enough for a person to live off of (Valetta 3). However, in recent years someone who works a job that pays minimum wage will fall well below the poverty line. Therefore, instead of somebody working three jobs to support their family, a…
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