HR Management Foundations
HRM 500
Mining Excellence at Redmond Minerals The HRM practices that Redmond Minerals needed to change to the support the new strategy within their company was to first recognize the importance of their company personnel and create a strategy that will eliminate fear and promote growth within the company at all positions. The HR department now must attain and evaluate each employee contributions to the company on a scale relevant to their position. This is where a high performance work system comes in to play which creates the best possible fit between their employee social system and their equipment technical system. This function of having a high performance work system is based on the reliance of knowledge workers, the empowerment of employees to make decisions, and the use of team work. The HRM practice has to incorporate various measures to create outlets for performance management, training, work design, and compensation to demonstrate the importance for successful output. This in turn allows HRM to focus on the strategy of the company putting emphasis growth and efficiency; allowing the department to implement total quality management practices. Those practices consist of methods and processes that are designed to meet the needs of internal and external customers, every employee in the organization receives quality training, quality is designed into a product or service so that errors are prevented from occurring rather than being detected and corrected in an error-prone product or service, the organization promotes cooperation with vendors/suppliers/and customers to improve quality and hold costs down, and managers measure progress with feedback based on data.(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009, p. 37) This practice is also parallel to the reengineering of the company new product focus plan, instead of focusing low costs and low prices the focus became concentrated