Everyone is so curious to what causes depression, depression does not have a single cause. Several factors can lead to depression. Some people carry genes that increase their risk of depression. But not all people with depression have these genes,
and not all people with these genes have depression.The Environment, surroundings and life experiences, also affects a risk for depression. Any stressful situation may trigger depression and, high school students encounter a number of stressful situations!
If you’re going to ask yourself if you’re depressed because you’re having a bad day 9 times out of 10 you’re not. Just to be sure, the first step is to talk with a parent or a trusted adult who can help make an appointment to speak with a doctor or mental health care provider. A family doctor or school counselor may also be able to help find appropriate care. The doctor or mental health care provider can do an exam to help determine if there’s depression or if there is another health or mental health problem. Some medical conditions or medications can produce symptoms similar to depression.
Researchers continue to study new ways to treat depression in high school students. Some scientists are also looking into different ways to classify symptoms, which may provide news clues about how the disorder develops and which treatments are most effective. Increasing the early detection and treatment of depression can help more students succeed academically and achieve their goals in school and after graduation.