#2 Athenian democracy became from an imperialism system is a process of transformation. While Imperialism creation of cities were they controlled trade, military, and commerce, they believed citizens have the right to be part on the decision making of codes and laws creating on this way the assembly system were men owner of property and older than 18 were allow to vote and participate on the assembly. Being a little contradictory because not all Athenians were consider citizens and also excluding gran part of them from the right to vote.…
Pericles, being the man of approved “wisdom and eminent reputation,” was chosen by the state to administer an appropriate eulogy. He begins his Oration by commending all those who contributed their lives to defending the Athenian Empire. Quickly after his appraisal, Pericles transitions into glorifying the democratic institutions in which Athens was founded upon. “And if our more remote ancestors deserve praise, much more do our own fathers, who added to their inheritance the empire which we now possess, and spared no to be able to leave their acquisitions to us of the present generation.” (2.36, PG. 112) Pericles continues by describing how democracy not only exhibits freedom in government, but also in ordinary life, which in turn allowed the public to pursue means of…
Ancient Athens has two documents that discuss democracy. The first one is “Document A: Pericles” and the other one is “Document B: The The Athenian Constitution”. In document A, I found that is truly democratic because your social class is not allowed the interfere with someone's merit. For example, if you’re poor you’re still able to serve the state or be part of the government. In document A it also states that “you get equal justice.” And that’s the way it should be. The constitution favor many people instead of few people. It seems fair and gives equality to all regardless of social class.…
In both Rome and Greece there were methods for voting, either on laws or for representatives, both method were democratic, but the Roman method was the will of the people, more so than the Athenian…
As humanity has progressed throughout history, there have been a number of times in which the interest and involvement of politics has changed. As we look back we can see that as the eras changed, interests of the people changed as well. One example of this is during the time of the Ancient Greeks. At this point in Western Civilization one polis by the name of Athens located on the coast of the Aegean Sea felt that political participation was a key factor in everyday life. Unfortunately not all Greek city-states were on the same page as the Athenians. While Athens took pride in their democratic elections, their assembly and their Council, other city-states such as Sparta took a much more different approach. Sparta was a society in which…
“A rose for Emily” is a short story about the last member of her family, and her very old father. The story was published in 1930, by a very well respected author, William Faulkner. When Emily’s father dies, she is completely heartbroken and denies that he is really dead.…
In 507 B.C. an Athenian leader named Clisthenes introduced political reforms that introduced democracy. Democracy means “rule by the people,” and the citizens vote to decide the rules of their country. The Greeks, especially the Athenians who founded democracy, provided citizenship, public education, and most importantly, freedom of speech. In order for there to be democracy, the citizens must feel safe in expressing their views and in criticizing the government. Even though democracy disappeared from history after the fall of Athens until the 1700s in America, its concept still hasn’t changed from time and it became Greece’s most enduring contributions to the world.…
War is already traumatizing for high schoolers who learn about in U.S. History as it is,…
Like Mesopotamia, Athens might be well known for their system of law and order. Athens saw the beginning of democracy and government like we know it today. In Athens, government now included citizens, not just representatives like in previous systems. For one of the first times in history, regular citizens could play key roles in how their community and government was…
In contrast, Kleon was opposed by Diodotus and eventually lost the debate (3.40), showing he was not as powerful an orator as his predecessor. Thucydides is also able to get across his view on the Athenian democracy, arguing that while Pericles was the leader, it was “in name a democracy [and] became in actuality rule by the first man” (2.65). However, after Pericles, it became more of a fight for a leadership position, each man trying to gain the confidence and support of the people by giving in a little to their wants (2.65). In this sense, it ventured even farther from a democracy to mob rule where all leaders either concede to the people or act in self-interest (2.65). Using Pericles and Kleon as counterparts, Thucydides presents two ends of the Athenian democracy, yet neither is a democracy in it’s truest form, implying Thucydides does not think that there is a true democracy in Athens, but rather a better version, that being Pericles, and a worse one, that of…
Did you know that world leaders do not exactly agree on what a democracy means. A democracy’s most salient and universally agreed upon component is a voting system. Athens was not truly democratic because they had slaves, no woman rights, and no equal rights.…
“Once a year Athenians would meet and vote on a simple question: Is anyone … becoming a threat to the democracy?”( Document E) In addition to this if a simple majority agreed and said yes that person was exiled for ten years. Although it may settle further anti-democracy problems it did not have to be exercised. It was an intelligent idea, however it was pretty much unfair.…
Greek democracy was in some way unfair. There were many both fair and unfair things about Ancient Greece. One unfair thing was that only males who were citizens were allowed to vote, no women, no men who weren’t citizens. That was unfair. Mainly men had power over everything and to me that was unfair. One fair thing is that all men were treated equally in some way. Just because you were “poor” or not extremely rich didn’t mean that you could not have a job. Slaves were used. Peasants were used. The image in document 3 shows a photo or drawing on pottery of slaves working really hard at their job and peasants at a market. This goes to show a fair side of Greece. Greek democracy was very lenient towards their military. They even paid their military…
Ancient Athens was not truly democratic. First off, democracy is a system of government in which power is invested in the people who rule either directly or through freely elected represenative. An example of democracy; You have two treats, the dogs can pick only one treat to eat. I will let them both pick, and not only one. Democracy is equal. Ancient Athens wasn’t.…
The relationship between greek democracy and the military needs / social class divisions. The military needs are weapons, food, and soldiers. The social class divisions are based on land owned and money. The relationship between the military needs are the laws that the young men have to serve 2 years in the military services and bring there own equipment. Also if you serve in the military you gain citizenship. Also if you can't afford equipment you could man one of the ships so you can still become a citizen. The relationship between the greek democracy and the social class divisions are that the higher classes have more rights. The slaves and foreigners have no rights. The reason that the top class rule is because they pay most of the taxes…