
Minority Groups In The United States

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All groups are not treated or viewed equally in all societies. Sometimes, a minority group can be defined by constituting a smaller percentage of the population than another group. However, sometimes a minority constitutes the majority of the population. A minority group is a subordinate group which has significantly less control over their lives than a dominant group. As a result, the minority group has less opportunity afforded to them than the dominant group. Particularly, the majority of the population of the United States is female; yet, males still control most of the political and social power across the nation.
Characteristics of Minority Groups
Minority groups contain five core characteristics.
Unequal treatment. Members of a minority
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In the United States, racial groups refer to groups with different skin colors including white, black, asian, native-american, etc. Particularly in the United States, political parties court certain minorities by promising improvements in the lives of minorities. Many other advanced countries perceive the United States as being slow to equalize the racial disparity, largely due to the United States late granting of civil rights to many minority groups. The “Stop-and-Frisk” movement was found to be unconstitutional because it was biased to a certain race and ethnicity (NBC …show more content…

It is important to know that societies create races to benefit dominant “races.” As stated in the text, the issue of shootings put into different environments is placed in different categories such as national or race-related issues. Race definition is formed through racial formation, the process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed. As in the case of many countries, including the United States, these categories can become entrenched and can become hard to deflate or

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