To understand the playful humor of Hitchens’ argument, an understanding needs to be developed of the actions of the European imperialists as viewed through the lens of a contemporary understanding of anthropological issues. The article “ Columbus and the War on Indigenous Peoples”, Michael Stevenson writes of Columbus’ landing in America: “it was this ‘encounter’ – a neutral word, chosen by the victors – that a process of destruction, so all-encompassing and systematic that it can only be described as total war, was
To understand the playful humor of Hitchens’ argument, an understanding needs to be developed of the actions of the European imperialists as viewed through the lens of a contemporary understanding of anthropological issues. The article “ Columbus and the War on Indigenous Peoples”, Michael Stevenson writes of Columbus’ landing in America: “it was this ‘encounter’ – a neutral word, chosen by the victors – that a process of destruction, so all-encompassing and systematic that it can only be described as total war, was