It is a game that involves using of a toothbrush, dental floss, and 2 players. The idea of the game is to get the toothbrush to slide down across to strips of the dental floss that is being held by both players and into a cup
Gravity is involved in this game with the acceleration being applied towards the toothbrush. When the 2 players are trying to make the toothbrush to the end of 2 floss strings, the force of gravity is acting the floss strings and the toothbrush trying to pull it downward
There are multiple forces in this game. The forces that are acting on the brush when the players attempt to move the toothbrush down the 2 strings. The force of gravity is also causing the toothbrush to move downwards. When the 2 players are trying to move the strings around, they must make sure that the force of gravity as well as their force does not act on the string and the toothbrush too much to cause the toothbrush to fall.
The mass of the toothbrush causes the 2 pieces of floss to be weighed down. This affects the game and can be the 1 reason that the 2 players lose. In the game, mass is also a key factor for getting the toothbrush to move because more forces must be exerted by the player
The weight of the toothbrush effects how it falls. The players commonly lose because either side of the 2 floss strings have an imbalanced weight and the tip maybe heavier than the end. This affects the outcome of the game.