Min-Seok Pang
MIS 3534
Executive Report #2: Topic #3 – Southeastern Pennsylvania Joint Infrastructure Consolidation Project
I. Introduction:
The city of Philadelphia is proposing that the Southeastern Pennsylvania municipalities build a shared computing infrastructure that integrates the enterprise systems for common intergovernmental functions such as police, accounting, payroll, tax deduction, and utility. This proposal includes neighboring local governments: Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, and Delaware counties. By Montgomery County participating in the consortium, the project can promise the government savings of millions in tax and government revenues, less energy consumption, improved security, efficiency for service employees, and many other benefits. However, by not participating in the consortium, there are also many benefits such as flexibility, independent decision making, and control that would not be available if they were to participate in a shared computing infrastructure.
II. Evaluation:
Participation in the Joint Infrastructure Consolidation Project
Not Participating in the Joint Infrastructure Consolidation Project
Improved Security: strictly enforced standards and the reduction of networks and data centers, thereby reducing the number of vulnerable seams
Lower Costs for taxpayers and government
Lower energy consumption on shared systems
Easier maintenance on one set of common systems
Consistent and improved user experience
Stability as vendors normally change/come and go
More standardized data centers: easier to access, relocate, and monitor resources
Improved efficiency of service employees: can provide better service to citizens
Minimizes unnecessary redundancies and duplication of data
Local support and service
Allows flexibility for the different agencies
Each agency can control and set up systems differently to meet their needs
Each municipality can make their own decisions and policies regarding IT