How phishing attacks have compromised major systems?
Major corporations, governments, and other organizations are hacked each week, mostly by means of phishing attacks. Describe how users and IT organizations should arm themselves against these attacks.
In a typical phishing attack, the attacker puts up a Web site that looks nearly identical to the victim's Web site. Technology changes fast, our genetic code and learned behaviors not so. As security professionals, we must concentrate not on technical measures, but on education, education, education. Phishers often set up the fake sites several days before sending out phishing e-mails. One way to stop them from swindling customers is to find and shut down these phishing sites before phishers launch their e-mail campaigns. Companies can outsource the search to a fraud alert service. These services use technologies that scour the Web looking for unauthorized uses of your logo or newly registered domains that contain your company's name, either of which might be an indication of an impending phishing attack. This will give your company time to counteract the strike Phishing attacks bring with them other risks and costs as well; including the direct IT costs to locate the source of data loss. Organizations should establish a cross-functional anti-phishing team and develop a response plan so that they're ready to deal with any attack. Ideally, the team should include representatives from IT, internal audit, communications, PR, marketing, the Web group, customer service and legal services.
Baker, Emiley; Wade Baker, John Tedesco (2007). "Organizations Respond to Phishing: Exploring the Public Relations Tackle Box". Communication Research Reports
Although paypal says that it is safe. But people has started to do phishing attack. Once I was selling off my laptop on Ebay. I started to receive emails from paypal. Even From paypal email address that money has been transferred to my account. But