Managing Information Systems – Ch. 11
Managing Knowledge and Collaboration
Learning Objectives
• Assess the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in business • Describe the types of systems used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and demonstrate how they provide value for organizations • Describe the major types of knowledge work systems and assess how they provide value for firms • Evaluate the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management
P&G Moves from Paper to Pixels for KM
(Book p. 411)
• Problem: Document-intensive research and development dependent on paper records • Solutions: Electronic document management system stores research information digitally • eLab Notebook (Documentum) management software creates PDFs, enables digital signatures, embeds usage rights, enables digital searching of library • Demonstrates IT’s role in reducing cost by making organizational knowledge more easily available • Illustrates how an organization can become more efficient and profitable through content management
The Knowledge Management Landscape
• Sales of enterprise content management software for knowledge management expects 15% annual growth through 2012 • Information Economy: • 55% U.S. labor force: knowledge and US information workers • 60% U.S. GDP from knowledge and information sectors • Substantial part of a firm’s stock market value is related to intangible assets: knowledge, brands, reputations, and unique business processes • Knowledge-based projects can produce extraordinary ROI
Figure 11-1
Enterprise knowledge management software includes sales of content management and portal licenses, which have been growing at a rate of 15 percent annually, making it among the fastestgrowing software applications.
Knowledge Dimensions
• Knowledge is an intangible firm asset
• Creation of knowledge from data, information • As knowledge