1) What is the business of Sinosteel, what are its major challenges, and how would an ERP system address the challenge they face?
Sinosteel is a company that is in charge of producing and processing metallurgical mineral resources, trading and logistics raw materials and products, and it is also related engineering technical service and equipment manufacture. The company is decentralized (it has many subsidiaries), while its business is expanding all around the world.
The main challenges for Sinosteel:
- Improving and consolidating its management, overwhelming their lack of centralization.
- Being more efficient, at the level of resources management, human resources management, and customers' relationship.
What can an ERP system bring? Thanks to a system of software modules and a common central database, the internal management can be improved and optimized, by consolidating the information sharing.
- Through the Supply Chain Management (SCM), a better and optimized management of resources (and so cost decrease)
- Through the Customer Relationship Management, a higher customer satisfaction.
2) Why did Sinosteel pursue the development of an ERP system? What were the objectives? What challenges (risks) does ERP address for Sinosteel?
The main goal was to consolidate the management existing in a decentralized corporate structure, and optimize the management processing in all core business functions. An ERP system improves the information sharing, so the management efficiency.
The President lists several objectives that can be reached thanks to an ERP system:
- Checking inventory levels at any time, and optimizing resources assignments.
- Optimizing human resources management
- Preventing from all kinds of potential information risks
3) What factors were important in the choice of Oracle?
An Enterprise Resource Planning