This short essay is about a woman by the name of Desiree who was adopted by Monsieur and Madome Valmonde. A man by the name of Armand ended up falling in love with Desiree and eventually they had a child together. A few weeks after the baby was born, Desiree’s mother was the first to visit her at L’Abri. When she arrived she saw Desiree lying beside her baby and she observed the child and asked about Armand’s thoughts. Desiree proudly stated that Armand was glad to have a son and that he has softened considerably in his treatment of the slaves since his marriage and child’s birth.
The sad and shocking part was when the baby had about three months of age; Desiree was suddenly disturbed by a subtle feeling of menace by which unannounced visits from neighbours mystery and a strange behaviour from Armand. Sadly after a couple of months, Armand accused Desiree for being of black decent due to the baby’s complexion. Armand was a neighbouring plantation owner and bearer of one of the finest names in Louisiana. In this story, Kate Chopin, informs us that Desiree’s baby had a dark complexion and Armand developed a strong accusation towards Desiree. He accused her of being black. Desiree denies the accusation and evens try to prove to Armand by telling him that her hands are whiter than his. Also, she express that her eyes are grey.
Armand was very cruel to Desiree and she felt worthless and depress, suddenly she explained the whole tragedy to her mother by writing her a letter. After sending the letter to Madome Valmonde, her mother, she received an immediate response. Her mother advised her to come home with her baby. Desiree was currently living at L’Abri with Armand. She went to Armand’s job and laid the letter open on his desk and asked her husband, “Shall I go, Armand?” “Yes, go”, Armand replied. She eventually went back home to her mother due to Armand strong accusation of her being of black decent.
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