The automotive industry is undoubtly an area that has significant effects concerning to the world economy as well as influencing every household world wide. Changes in the supply and demand of automobiles impact the current and future purchases of consumers. Consumers must determine the budget that they can allocate to certain necessities. Because most consumers have a limited budget, the budget spent on transportation it limited. Since numbers of industries have an influence on the economy, the automotive industry has potential impacts exceeding that of other industries.
The aim of this study is providing a brief understanding of general overview of automotive industry and the importance of the industry in large. In this framework, this study initially will look at the conditions led to economics crises in 2001 and 2008 and the consequences of those crises, from interest and inflation rates to consumption. The following part of the study will evaluate the impacts of 2001 and 2008 crises over Turkish automotive industry. In this context, this study will look at changes in production and sales and employment levels in Turkish automotive industry by making comparison between pre-crisis and in-crisis periods.
2.1. Industry Overview 6
2.2. Brief History of Automobile Industry 7
2.3. The History and Development of the Turkish Automobile Sector 7
2.4. The Importance of the Automobile Industry 11
2.4.1. Contribution of Turkish Automobile Industry to Exports 11
2.4.2. Contribution to Turkish Transportation and Logistics 11
2.4.3. Contribution to Technology and the Attraction of Foreign Investment 12
2.4.4. Contribution to Labor Force 12
2.5. The Major Players in the Market 12
3. 2001 AND 2008 ECONOMIC CRISIS 14
3.1. Anaemic catching-up process until the 2001 economic crisis 14
3.2. The 2000/2001 crisis 19
3.3. The ongoing economic
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