HIV/AIDS Prevention Campaigns: a Critical Analysis Mian Ahmad Hanan Professor, Humanities and Communication University of Central Punjab, Lahore
KEYWORDS Steps in Communication Campaign Design, HIV/AIDS Prevention Program, Theories and Models of Health Communication, Advocacy, Importance of Language in Massage Construction, Steps in Behavior Change ABSTRACT In the absence of pharmacological, immunological, and medical interventions, the change in behavior and attitude of the public may only be considered a possible way for the prevention and cure for HIV/AIDS. The basic purpose of this study is to analyze the various communication models and steps that play a pivotal role in making successful communication campaigns for shaping public attitudes related to social stigmas and issues about HIV/AIDS. It further sheds light on the importance of combination of interpersonal and mass communication strategies for the development of these campaigns. In addition, this paper describes the significance of various components of effective message.
Introduction In the absence of pharmacological, immunological, and medical interventions, the change in behavior and attitude of the public may only be considered a possible way for the prevention and cure for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS-WHO 1998, para, 10). Although the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been identified as the etiological agent causing AIDS, transmissions of this virus depends largely on human behavior related to sexuality and drug use. Communication plays an important role in this process because it disseminates information that may prevent risk behavior and spread awareness leading to
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the reduction of a social stigma. AIDS prevention programs disseminated through media or community awareness campaigns, are directed towards changing sexual practices and the use of intravenous needles. Most theories and
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