In the Old Testament God certainly does favour certain groups of people such as the Israelites and punishes those who go against him such as the Egyptians. This portrays a God who is judging, Vengeful and omnipotent. However miracles in the New Testament centre on Jesus. Just within the four gospels there are 30 miracles which are divided into themes of new beginning or new era to show how Jesus is the Son of God and will bring salvation to his people. This gives the idea of a God who is omnibenevolent, and loving through his creation such with the story of feeding of the 5000. Again, due to coming from a culture lacking the knowledge of the laws of nature, miraculous interventions by God were the way in which people explained the world around them.
The problem of evil is brought forward with miracles. As surely an omnipotent and omnibenevolent would perform miracles to stop there ever being any evil in this world. Irenaeus says that miracles deprive humans of the opportunity of learning and flourishing, as they are under the impression