“The Possibility of Evil” is a classic mystery short story written by Shirley Jackson. This story is about an old lady named Miss Strangeworth, that shows how evil and mean she is. Miss strangeworth thinks she owns the town. People think that she is the perfect person that is friendly, charming and nice but the town doesn’t realize until the end that Miss Strangeworth has been living a different life behind peoples backs.
Miss Strangeworth lives alone in her family house on Pleasant Street, and she acts as the perfect person in the community. Miss Strangeworth seems to be a friendly grandmotherly person in the public, and also a representative for the town. “No one in the town would dare to disturb Strangeworth during her afternoon nap.” (pg.6). …show more content…
“It would have been shameful for their parents to prevent their children to mock Miss Strangeworth of Pleasant Street.” (pg. 7) The last two quotes show that Miss Strangeworth has the respects from everyone in the community. But Miss Strangeworth is also self central, and she is full of self righteousness. She believed that it is her duty to keep the town peaceful and safe. “She sometimes found herself thinking that the town belongs to her.” (pg. 1) Miss Strangeworth thinks she owns the town because her grandfather built the first house on Pleasant street. She feels that she owns the town, and it is hers to keep. She admitted to herself, “There wouldn’t be a town here if it hadn’t been for my grandfather.” (pg. 1) Her family history had influenced her, and she thinks that she is the cheif and the “best”. “There