This essay will examine how Mission can be an expression of peoples Liberation with a focus on Poverty and Mission. A definition of terms will be given and Bosch’s article Mission as Liberation will be considered. A theological interpretation will be given by considering Jesus Christ’s mission towards the poor. I argue on the premise of reconstruction theology highlighting education as empowerment to overcoming poverty and an effective tool for mission.
I serve as minister in charge of two congregations St Philips and Calvary in Kanyama a densely populated compound of Lusaka. In January 2009, the communicant membership were over 2000 and 800 respectively. Most of the members are unemployed due to redundancies and no employment opportunities. They belong to the many Zambians living below the poverty datum line who fail to access basic needs. Among the most vulnerable are women and children who form the majority of church membership. The church, in its aim to alleviate poverty through mission; is involved in social justice actions like HIV/AIDS and Social Service projects. Flooding , HIV/AIDS, Malaria, poor education and cholera are among the community’s highest challenges. The question then would be what is mission and how did mission begin?
Considering the population in Kanyama, how would the church do mission that could offer liberation to unemployed people? Would Christian mission be an expression of people’s liberation? Bosch states that Mission, as a concept has undergone changes in definitions among Christians in the way it is used. It is broadened to refer to sending of missionaries to various places and countries. This also includes the activities or work missionaries engage in, in a geographical area where the action is taking place. It can be an organisation or agency spearheading the sending of missionaries or the support rendered to a younger congregation; by an older
Bibliography: Joshva Raja et al Towards Reconstruction of Mission Stories [Book]. - Birmingham : SOCMS/ISPCK, 2010. Kyoung-Joe Kim et al Asian Contextual Theology for the 3rd Millenium [Book]. - Eugene : Pickwick Publications, 2007. Bosch David J Transforming Mission Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission [Book]. - New York : Maryknoll Orbis Books, 1991. Corrie John Dictionary of Mission Theology Evangelical Foundations [Book]. - Nottingham : Inter-Varsity Press, 2007. Habel Peter Trudinger and Norman C Exploring Ecological Hermeneutics [Book]. - Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, 2008. Kirk Andrew What is Mission? Theological Explorations [Book]. - Minneapoli : Fortress Press, 2000. Mwaura Philomena Njeri Mission as Service of Justice, Peace in the Church in Africa [Book Section] // Towards a Reconstruction of Mission Stories / book auth. al Joshva Raja et. - Birmingham : SOCMS/ISPCK, 2010. Sen Amartya Development as Freedom [Book]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. Thangaraj Thomas The Common Task:A Theology of Christian Mission [Book]. - Nashville : Abingdon Press, 1999.