t h e J u i c e B o x provides convenient, high quality, cold pressed juices. Each bottle is filled with fresh, local ingredients designed to fuel the bodies of Boston in order for them to perform at their best. We believe in bettering ourselves as well as the surrounding city and have created a lifestyle around our product that encourages sustainability and health.
Executive Summary:
the Juice Box is a mobile truck that has a simple product offering. We wish to better the world and the people in it with our juices, our free health and fitness classes, and with alternative fuel types that we use to run our electric truck. We offer pressed juices, cleanses, hot tea, fresh fruit and vegetables as well as once a week fitness classes that range from yoga to zumba to instructed group runs. We are a lifestyle brand and put an emphasis on health. We want people to not only enjoy our product, but also reap the benefits that the fruits and vegetables with in that juice offer. We have top of the line technology that reduces waste and includes every last nutrient entered into the juicer.
Our employees are experts in our product and are available for any questions about the product or custom orders. Our brand is so much more than a truck full of juice, and we wish to be the go- to resource for all things health related. We have a great population of health and fitness enthusiasts in Boston and we plan to dive into this group aggressively. The Back Bay food truck locations are some of our top lottery picks and we hope to occupy these areas seven days a week from the hours of 6am to 3pm.
Our following can look for our locations on our social media sites such as facebook, twitter, instagram, foursquare, and the Boston food truck site. We are interested in partnering with gyms and yoga studios as well as sponsoring events and have the truck at that location during the event. We expect a large following from the start and