The Unknown Gram Negative bacterium inoculated in a Tryptic Soy broth medium was randomly selected from a group of other unknowns. In order to identify this unknown the seven different types of biochemical tests will be conducted on this unknown bacterium to identify it out of 6 possible bacteria; Escherichia coli(E. coli), Enterobacter aerogenes (E.aerogenes), Klebsiella pneumoniae (K.pneumoniae), Proteus mirabilis(P.miranilis), Pseudomonas aeruginosa(P.aeruginosa), and Salmonella typhimurium (S.typhimurium). The biochemical tests utilized were; Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA) test, Sulfur Indole Motility (SIM) test, Methyl red test and Voges-Proskauer (MR-VP) test, Citrate test, Urea test,…
The purpose of this experiment was to isolate two unknown bacteria and perform a series of selective and differential tests to correctly identify each. After the bacteria was isolated a series of differential and selective tests following the dichotomous key attached were used to identify each bacteria. The Gram-positive bacteria were identified as Staphylococcus aureus with a positive confirmatory test, mannitol salt agar, showing consistent results as well for S. aureus. The Gram-negative bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a positive confirmatory…
| LabRepQuiz010 Question MC #7: Which of the following is the best written sentence that includes the information below taken from an article written by Dr. Costanza, but avoids plagiarism?…
The purpose of this lab was to identify two unknown bacteria cultures using various differential tests. The identification of these unknown cultures was accomplished by separating and differentiating possible bacteria based on specific biochemical characteristics. Whether the tests performed identified specific enzymatic reactions or metabolic pathways, each was used in a way to help recognize those specifics and identify the unknown cultures. The differential tests used to identify the unknown cultures were oxidase, catalase, lactose and sucrose fermentation, Kugler/iron agar, nitrate reduction, gelatin hydrolysis, starch hydrolysis, manitol salt, MR-VP, citrate, bile esculin, indole, urease, DNase, and coagulase.…
As the lead homicide investigator for this case I had recently learned that the crime lab has concluded that the finger print that was recovered belonged to the boyfriend, they were from a piece of notebook paper found under the body of the victim. Interviews are conducted in criminal cases for the purpose of gathering information from people who have, or may have, knowledge needed in the investigation. (Swanson, Chamelin, Territo & Taylor, 2012) However with the information that was recently learned from the evidence that was collected and analyzed by the crime lab, the interview with the boyfriend would now be conducted as an interrogation. Interrogation as opposed to interviewing is designed to match acquired information to a particular suspect in order to secure a confession; it is the process of testing that information and its application to a particular suspect. By means of interrogation we would be able to eliminate the innocent or identify the guilty. (Swanson, Chamelin, Territo & Taylor, 2012)…
It represents the low pass filter. By increasing the value of M, it tends to approach ideal low pass filter…
The reason for performing this experiment was to test the agnostic behavior coming from the male Betta fish. This experiment was conducting by taking a male Siamese fighting fish and placing its fish bowl next to a mirror so it would be able to see his reflection. We also exposed the fish to many others to see if the behavior was the same or different when placed next to: a goldfish, a female Betta fish, and a zebra fish. My hypothesis was supposed by this experiment and it was observed that the Betta fish was disturbed by his reflection in the mirror but his aggressive behavior decreased rapidly when other tanks, containing different types of fish, were placed next to his.…
a. Title – The first section in a lab report is the title, which should be no longer than 12 words and must accurately reflect the content of the laboratory experiment. b. Abstract – The second section of a lab report is the Abstract. The Abstract Is an overview of the experiment in about 250 words, while this is the first section that any reader reads. This section should be a summary of the key points of a larger work, including the project’s objective, methodology, and results.…
Light reacts to different density in different ways. An example when it goes through a low density medium to a high density medium the angle of refraction decreases. With all the test done the angles of incident and reflection stayed the same. This is because with light what angle it approaches at is the angle the light will reflect back at. Also the angle of refraction depended on what the angle of incident and refraction were,refraction is a dependent variable being the reason why the other angles matter. The first test was how light moves through air to water. The angle of incident was always 30 to make it a fair trial. As the light hit the water the angle of refraction was 22 degrees give or take. The angle had decreased because of the high density of the water. The angle of incident and reflection had stayed the same as expected. The second test was how light reacts while going from water (a high density medium) to air (a low density medium). The light hit the air from the water at a 30 degree angle. The result for the angle of refraction was 42 degrees because when light travels through a dense medium (water) it slows down and when it goes through a less dense medium(air) it bends away from the normal. As always the angle of reflection and incident stay the same. Air to glass was the third test. It was found that the angle of refraction had decreased…
After finding all the measurements needed next we did our calculations to find the density using this equation:…
The purpose of this current study was to examine how individuals detected or noticed change when viewing images on their level of attentiveness. The experiment consisted of 22 participants who had to detect change across conditions for 20 minutes. These conditions were importance of change (marginal and central) and change type (color, location and disappearance and reappearance of images). These changes were presented in random order with two practice trials followed by 46 trials. The participants were exposed to all of the conditions making this experiment a within-subjects experiment. It was hypothesized that individuals would take a longer time to detected marginal changes than central change. Participants had to look at two pictures presented simultaneously and decide what changes were presented. When changes were detected the participants had to identified if the changes were color, location, or disappearance or reappearance of images within a certain time frame. It was predicted that change detection for marginal change would take a longer time to be noticed. The average mean reaction time for marginal change was longer than central change. In conclusion central change is easier to notice than marginal change.…
The aim of this experiment is to investigate the relationship between the refractive index and the wavelength. We will be testing 5 different wavelengths: 630nm (red), 570nm (yellow), 532nm (green), 445nm (blue) and 405nm (violet).…
Refraction occurs when the speed changes when the lights travels from one medium to another medium. If the light travels from a medium to a denser medium, the light slows down and consequently is refracted towards the normal. If the light travels from one medium to a less dense medium, the speed increases and as a result, the light is refracted away from the normal.…
We have made four set-ups in two different specimens. Onion and Boat of Moses skin with water, 2%, 5% and 10% salt (NaCl) Solution. Based on our experiment, the result of the set up explains that the presence of the salt solution results in outward diffusion of water and the collapse of the protoplast.…
Power from Light Box- factor that helps student to visually see light ray and record the results. This factor is not affecting the results as much, but it is needed to calculate results. If the light box has a power of 2, the light ray would be harder to see than the ray coming out of the light box with the power of 8. For the whole investigation, student used a light box projecting a ray with a power of 8. This helped the experiment a lot, as student could visually see with ease where the light refracts and moves.…