1. Thesis/Intro:
Tuesdays with Morrie and The Monk who sold his Ferrari both imply that the impact of death on one’s life can change their whole outlook on life thus influence people following their life experience. a. Supports
a. The desire to influence the people around them
i. Tuesdays with Morrie
-Influences Mitch about his life: Morrie shares with him all his knowledge about life. They would meet up every Tuesday to talk about things and factors in life such as marriage, love, death and many more
-Influences the people: Morrie not only influences Mitch, but also the audience on the show “Nightline”, when he was interviewed by Ted Koppel. He shares all the pain he was going through and explains how he is coping with it.
-“they worked as a team” (Albom 148)
“Love each other or perish” (Albom 148)
ii. The Monk who sold his Ferrari
-Influences John: In this novel, Julian influences his old colleague John. When he returns from India, he is the first person that Julian visits. Julian explains to him all the knowledge and understandings that he had learned from the Sages of Sivana. He explains it using symbols and stories. His knowledge gives a great impact to John and gives him the desire to change himself.
-When the student is ready, the teacher appears” (Sharma 30)
-“John tonight is the first night of your new life” (Sharma 35)
b. To rejoice every Moment in Life
i. Tuesdays with Morrie
Ever since he was diagnosed with the disease, Morrie is seen to be more calm and relaxed. He starts to appreciate everything