The purpose of this experiment is to obtain isolation of individual species of particles from the mixed culture. This is completed through the isolation technique of streak plate. The objective of this experiment is to replicate the technique of streak plate but on a much larger scale. Because it is on a larger scale the particles are able to be visually observed as they are isolated using the streaking technique as the experiment is conducted. The benefits of the streaking technique is when a cultures has multiple species they are able to be more easily identified once they have been isolated. This experiment is much like the experiments completed on an agar plate but on one a much larger scale and where techniques can be perfected before the use of agar plates and specimens are used. Because this experiment uses materials that represent those used in the streaking on agar plates the ability to simulate the events that occur when streaking is similar and allows for visualization instantly.
In this experiment materials will be gathered that are representative of the tools need to complete the actual experiment of agar plate streaking. The techniques used will be the same however the items that are used will be on a much larger scale. In replacement of flaming a loop the use of particle remover or water will be used to clean the utensils The end result of the experiment will show the isolation of the particles and degrees in consistency
Materials & Methods-
The materials used in the lab were collected as seen in Picture 1. For this lab multicolored sprinkles were used to represent small particles. Because of the variation in color these particles used created a mixed culture and therefore are it was not a pure culture. Ketchup was used for a medium and was mixed with the with the sprinkles to create a culture and was contained in a square tupperware to represent a culture tube. A spoon was used a a streak utensil and was
References: - 1. Leboffe, Michael J. and Pierce, Burton E.(2012). Breif Microbiology Laboratory Theory and application Second Edition, Common Aseptic Transfers and Inoculation Methods (pp. 26-38). Englewood, CO: Morton Publishing. 2. Leboffe, Michael J. and Pierce, Burton E.(2012). Breif Microbiology Laboratory Theory and application Second Edition, Streak Plate Methods of Isolation (pp. 39-44). Englewood, CO: Morton Publishing.