Type of Article: Survey Evaluates which information included in Marketing Information Systems (MkIS) has been important in providing support for the marketing management process. Also analyses what improvements in marketing and sales have been realized by implementing MkIS to support the marketing management process. Furthermore, investigates, in more detail, what operational MkIS sub-systems have contributed to improved effectiveness for implementing and controlling marketing efforts. The results of a survey of 50 Finnish wholesale companies showed that MkIS have supported marketing management in all complementary steps of the marketing management process. Information that is perceived to be useful for the different steps of this process, however, varies. The perceived improvements of studied MkIS usage were higher in marketing than sales tasks. These findings indicated that instead of one MkIS, organizations would be better advised to develop MkIS sub-systems to support the different steps in the marketing management process and also sub-systems to support sales activities directly, although still allowing technical and functional integration when needed. According to marketing managers surveyed, those who invested in more sophisticated MkIS sub-systems such as direct mailing and telemarketing systems, have achieved good results in implementing and controlling their marketing efforts. Later discusses the opportunities for these types of operational MkIS sub-systems. Content Indicators: Readability**, Practice Implications**, Originality*, Research Implications* Acknowledgements The authors are deeply grateful to Professor Markku Sääksjärvi of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration for his invaluable support and critique in this endeavour. Introduction More and more, companies are faced with the need to control an
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